13 Dez. Snowvolleyball Festival at the Patscherkofel
04.-05. March 2023
Volleyball is only played in summer or indoors? Volleyballs will fly also in winter atPatscherkofel on 04.03.2023. For the second time, a tour stop of the Austrian Snow Volleyball Tour will be held. The game will be played in teams of 3 and playsers wear thermal clothing and football boots.
New way of playing in the snow
For the first time, a tournament in the snow will be played in “King of the Court” mode. This means that 5 teams will play against each other over 3 rounds. The winning team of each new round always stays on the court and can continue to score afterwards.
Snowfestival for everybody
For the first time, there will also be a DJ line-up to offer volleyball fans and festival lovers a chance to dance in the great outdoors in winter. In addition to music and snow volleyball on Saturday, there will also be workshops and lectures on Sunday in the seminar rooms of the Patscherkofelbahn mountain station.
For all skiers with a valid lift ticket, access is free on both days.
The programme and further information can be found here: www.innsbruckbeachevent.com/snowfestival